Thursday, February 26, 2015

Brand Positioning of Meril Petroleum Jelly

Meril Petroleum Jelly
Square Toiletries Limited is one of the renowned companies of our country and Meril is one of the successful brand of this company. Under Meril brand name they launch different products from different product category which are given below

  • Meril Petroleum Jelly
  • Meril Lip Gel
  • Meril Olive Oil
  • Meril Glycerin
  • Meril Baby Lotion
  • Meril Baby Shampoo
  • Meril Baby Powder
  • Meril Baby Gel Toothpaste
  • Meril Baby Olive Oil
  • Meril Splash Beauty Soap
  • Meril Splash Xtra Fresh
  • Meril Revive Talcum Powder
  • Meril Revive Moisturizing Lotion
  • Meril Revive Moisturizing Cream
Meril is a very popular brand in our country and it has positioned itself as a good quality brand in the mindset of consumers. Among the product lines of Meril, Meril Petroleum Jelly is the highest revenue generating sub brand. There are three levels of brand positioning and Meril petroleum jelly is positioned on the basis of product attributes and product benefit. Meril is generally a skin care brand. Through advertising campaign the brand communicated the attributes of their product. For example in one of the advertise of Meril Petroleum Jelly it was shown that Meril Petroleum Jelly can retain moisture up to 98% whereas the normal oil and body lotion can retain upto 32% and 63% of the body moisture respectively. Through this
advertisement Meril Peroleum Jelly has positioned itself on the basis of the attributes of the product. Meril Petroleum Jelly also protects skin from damage especially during the winter season. Clearly it reflects their positioning by product benefits. Meril Petroleum Jelly is focused on undifferentiated marketing. The points of difference of meril petroleum jelly are-

  •   The attributes of Meril Petroleum Jelly are desirable to the consumers.
  •  The brand has necessary resources and capabilities to satisfy the consumers.
  • The logo, symbol, smell and packaging of Meril Petroleum Jelly is unique and different from that of the competitors and consumers can easily recognize Meril Petroleum Jelly only by seeing and even not seeing but experiencing the container.Meril Petroleum Jelly Blind Test -this ad shows how strong the positioning of Meril Petroleum Jelly is.

Meril Petroleum Jelly has category points of parity. Like all other competitors it retains moisture of the skin. The brand mantra of Meril Petroleum Jelly is it provides protection to the damaged skin (Brand Function) of the consumers irrespective of class, gender, social status etc. (Emotional modifier) by retaining the moisture of the skin (Emotional Modifier).
Meril Petroleum Jelly is a very good quality product and it has created a strong position in the mindset of the consumers. The consumers are very satisfied with the product. Their marketing is so strong and effective that the competitors are facing tough times in penetrating the market. Though Meril Petroleum Jelly is a very good product but they should focus on product development and intense marketing to retain the existing consumers because the competitors are always trying to grab more market share by intense advertising.


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